Oleic acid Content of Fishes and Shellfishes
(161 - 170)
21 mg
(per 25 g edible portion)
Pacific cod (milt)
17 mg
(per 20 g edible portion)
Oyster (cultured, raw)
80 mg
(per 100 g edible portion)
Short-necked clam, Canned product (with seasoning)
5 mg
(per 6 g edible portion)
Loach (boiled)
8 mg
(per 10 g edible portion)
Fish paste product (kanifumi-kamaboko)
159 mg
(per 470 g edible portion)
Snow crab (boiled)
202 mg
(per 280 g edible portion)
Albacore (raw)
69 mg
(per 100 g edible portion)
Short-necked clam, Canned product (in brine)
143 mg
(per 210 g edible portion)
Skipjack, Processed product (namari)
3 mg
(per 7 g edible portion)
Blue sprat (raw)