Protein Content of Foods
(351 - 360)
3.8 g
(per 45 g edible portion)
Sandfish (namaboshi)
0.8 g
(per 5 g edible portion)
Wakame, Dried product (ita-wakame)
16.6 g
(per 100 g edible portion)
Short-necked clam, Canned product (with seasoning)
8.3 g
(per 50 g edible portion)
Soybean, Natto (hikiwari-natto)
0.2 g
(per 1.5 g edible portion)
Wasabi (powder, mixed with mustard powder)
3 g
(per 18 g edible portion)
Hen's egg (yolk, raw)
3 g
(per 18 g edible portion)
Swine, Ham (loin)
28.7 g
(per 174 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, dairy fattened steer (sirloin, lean and fat, raw)
37.3 g
(per 226 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, dairy fattened steer (chuck loin, without subcutaneous fat,raw)
18.2 g
(per 110 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, Japanese beef cattle (chuck loin, lean, raw)