Potassium Content of Foods
(651 - 660)
276 mg
(per 130 g edible portion)
Turnip (root, without skin, raw)
127 mg
(per 53 g edible portion)
Hamburg steak (frozen)
120 mg
(per 50 g edible portion)
White-flesh (for frying, frozen)
24 mg
(per 10 g edible portion)
Swine, Shoulder
348 mg
(per 145 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, dairy fattened steer (rib loin, without subcutaneous fat,raw)
264 mg
(per 110 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, Japanese beef cattle (chuck loin, lean, raw)
1704 mg
(per 710 g edible portion)
Common octopus (boiled)
48 mg
(per 20 g edible portion)
Squid, Processed product (seasoned and smoked)
10 mg
(per 4 g edible portion)
Firefly squid (boiled)
508 mg
(per 470 g edible portion)
Snow crab (boiled)