Water Content of Foods
(901 - 910)
58.3 g
(per 100 g edible portion)
Minced meat cutlet (for frying, frozen)
125.5 g
(per 240 g edible portion)
Sweet potatoe (tuberous root, baked)
46.2 g
(per 80 g edible portion)
86.6 g
(per 150 g edible portion)
Cattle, Imported beef (sirloin, lean and fat, raw)
57 g
(per 152 g edible portion)
Japanese pilchard (baked)
34.6 g
(per 60 g edible portion)
Meat ball (frozen)
8.6 g
(per 15 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (tamari-shoyu)
129.5 g
(per 226 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, dairy fattened steer (chuck loin, without subcutaneous fat,raw)
3.4 g
(per 6 g edible portion)
Mustard (grain mustard)
28.5 g
(per 50 g edible portion)
Yokan (mizu-yokan)