Protein Content of Foods
(11 - 20)
13.7 g
(per 25 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef product (beefjerky)
2.1 g
(per 4 g edible portion)
Yuba (dried type)
9.4 g
(per 19 g edible portion)
Soybean, Tofu (kori-dofu)
4.9 g
(per 10 g edible portion)
Shrimp, Processed product (boiled and dried shrimps)
3.4 g
(per 7 g edible portion)
Blue sprat (seasoned and dried)
6.8 g
(per 15 g edible portion)
Squid, Processed product (saki-ika)
26.8 g
(per 70 g edible portion)
Big-eye sardine (maruboshi)
15.5 g
(per 35 g edible portion)
Mirinboshi (anchovy)
2.2 g
(per 5 g edible portion)
Natural cheese (parmesan)
4.3 g
(per 10 g edible portion)
Japanese sand lance (niboshi)