Fatty acids (Monounsaturated) Content of Fishes and Shellfishes
(Initial A)
0.02 g
(per 32 g edible portion)
Abalone (canned in brine)
0.02 g
(per 120 g edible portion)
Abalone (raw)
1.07 g
(per 120 g edible portion)
Abalone (shiokara)
0.17 g
(per 120 g edible portion)
Abalone (steamed and dried)
0.01 g
(per 38 g edible portion)
Adductor muscle (canned in brine)
0.01 g
(per 25 g edible portion)
Adductor muscle (niboshi)
(per 47 g edible portion)
Adductor muscle (raw)
0.31 g
(per 280 g edible portion)
Albacore (raw)
15.96 g
(per 1050 g edible portion)
Alfonsino (raw)
0.67 g
(per 130 g edible portion)
Amago salmon (cultured, raw)