Palmitic acid Content of Cereals
(21 - 30)
265 mg
(per 50 g edible portion)
Barley (splited grain, raw)
104 mg
(per 20 g edible portion)
Rice, Paddy rice grain (brown rice, raw)
51 mg
(per 10 g edible portion)
Buckwheat flour (outer layer)
360 mg
(per 72 g edible portion)
Rye bread
74 mg
(per 15 g edible portion)
Corn (corn flour)
1568 mg
(per 320 g edible portion)
98 mg
(per 20 g edible portion)
Rice, Paddy rice grain (half-milled rice, raw)
360 mg
(per 75 g edible portion)
Rice, Paddy rice grain (well-milled rice with embryo, raw)
72 mg
(per 15 g edible portion)
Wheat flour (hard flour, whole)
94 mg
(per 20 g edible portion)
Macaroni and Spaghetti (dry form, raw)