Fishes and Shellfishes Low in Arachidic acid (321st - 340th) (per 100 g edible portion)
- Japanese anchovy (tazukuri)
- Japanese eel (shirayaki)
- Common Japanese conger (steamed)
- Japanese parrot fish (raw)
- Japanese eel (kabayaki)
- Red sea bream (cultured, raw)
- Yellowstriped butterfish (raw)
- Striped mullet (karasumi)
- Oyster (canned in oil, smoked)
- Mirinboshi (anchovy)
- Gizzard shad (raw)
- Japanese bluefish (raw)
- Horse mackerel (hirakiboshi, baked)
- Mezashi (raw)
- Kichiji rockfish (raw)
- Pacific saury (canned product, with seasoning)
- Pacific herring (hirakiboshi)
- Pacific herring (smoked)
- Yellowtail (mature, baked)
- Yellowtail (mature, raw)