Seasonings and Spices Low in Vitamin E (α-Tocopherols) (1st - 20th) (per 100 g edible portion)
- Katsuo-bushi extract
- Kombu extract
- Katsuo-bushi and kombu extract
- Shiitake extract
- Niboshi extract
- Chicken bone stock
- Chicken, pork and vegetable extract
- Beef and vegetables extract
- Japanese style dressing
- Sakekasu
- Fruit vinegar (wine vinegar)
- Yeast (baker's yeast, compressed)
- Yeast (baker's yeast, dried)
- Seasoning mix, granule
- Oyster sauce extract
- Worcester sauce (common type)
- Rice-koji miso (sweet type)
- Barley-koji miso
- Garlic (garlic powder)
- Worcester sauce (semi-thick type)