Foods Low in Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) (1421st - 1440th) (per 100 g edible portion)
Corn (popcorn, oil-popped and salted)
0.27 mg
Japanese chestnut (raw)
0.27 mg
Asatsuki (leaves, boiled)
0.27 mg
Leaf mustard (salted pickles)
0.27 mg
Parsley (leaves, raw)
0.27 mg
Yellow sweet pepper (fruit, sauted)
0.27 mg
Broccoli (inflorescence, raw)
0.27 mg
Brussels sprout (head, raw)
0.27 mg
Water pepper sprout (raw)
0.27 mg
Golden-thread (raw)
0.27 mg
0.27 mg
Japanese pilchard, Canned product (with seasoning)
0.27 mg
Japanese pilchard, Canned product (in tomato sauce)
0.27 mg
Japanese seaperch (raw)
0.27 mg
Walleye pollack (tarako, baked)
0.27 mg
Cattle, Imported beef (chuck, without subcutaneous fat, raw)
0.27 mg
Cattle, Imported beef (chuck, lean, raw)
0.27 mg
Cattle, Imported beef (chuck loin, lean, raw)
0.27 mg
Swine, Ham (shoulder)
0.27 mg
Chicken, Broiler meat (wing , with skin, raw)
0.27 mg