Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) Content of Foods
(301 - 310)
0.02 mg
(per 15 g edible portion)
Proso millet (milled grain, raw)
(per 3 g edible portion)
Mustard (prepared mustard)
0.22 mg
(per 160 g edible portion)
Hash roux
0.03 mg
(per 18 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (shiro-shoyu)
0.02 mg
(per 13 g edible portion)
Japanese quail's egg (whole, raw)
0.02 mg
(per 16 g edible portion)
Sea urchin (tsubu-uni)
0.26 mg
(per 186 g edible portion)
Chinook salmon (baked)
0.2 mg
(per 145 g edible portion)
Skipjack, Canned product (flaked meat with seasoning)
0.01 mg
(per 10 g edible portion)
Anglerfish (liver, raw)
0.04 mg
(per 30 g edible portion)
Eringii (raw)