Vitamin A (β-Carotene equivalents) Content of Foods
(611 - 620)
9 μg
(per 298 g edible portion)
Cattle, Imported beef (rib loin, lean and fat, raw)
7 μg
(per 226 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, dairy fattened steer (chuck loin, without subcutaneous fat,raw)
8 μg
(per 266 g edible portion)
Cattle, Beef, dairy fattened steer (chuck loin, lean and fat, raw)
(per 5 g edible portion)
Sakura shrimp (boiled)
1 μg
(per 75 g edible portion)
Big-eye flathead (raw)
6 μg
(per 205 g edible portion)
East Indian lotus root (rhizome, boiled)
5 μg
(per 205 g edible portion)
East Indian lotus root (rhizome, raw)
1 μg
(per 50 g edible portion)
Mung bean sprout (raw)
1 μg
(per 40 g edible portion)
Soybean, Whole bean (domestic, dried, boiled)
(per 10 g edible portion)
Bread crumbs (wet form)