Fishes and Shellfishes Low in Lauric acid (81st - 100th) (per 100 g edible portion)
- Pen shell (adductor muscle, raw)
- Pond snail (raw)
- Whelk (raw)
- Topshell (canned with seasoning)
- Cockle (foot, raw)
- Ivory shell (raw)
- Hen clam (raw)
- Hard clam (boiled)
- Hard clam (baked)
- Adductor muscle (niboshi)
- Keen's gaper (siphon, raw)
- Tiger prawn (cultured, baked)
- Sakura shrimp (dried)
- Sakura shrimp (niboshi)
- Giant tiger shrimp (cultured, raw)
- Shrimp, Processed product (tsukudani)
- Crab, Processed product (ganzuke)
- Japanese common squid (raw)
- Japanese common squid (boiled)
- Japanese common squid (baked)