Dietary fibers (Insoluble) Content of Cereals
(21 - 30)
1.4 g
(per 50 g edible portion)
Barley (splited grain, raw)
0.1 g
(per 5 g edible portion)
Fu, Gluten products (baked type, kanze-fu)
0.2 g
(per 10 g edible portion)
Bread crumbs (dry form)
0.3 g
(per 15 g edible portion)
Corn (corn grits)
0.5 g
(per 20 g edible portion)
Rice, Paddy rice grain (brown rice, raw)
0.1 g
(per 5 g edible portion)
Fu, Gluten products (baked type, ita-fu)
0.2 g
(per 10 g edible portion)
Corn (cornflakes)
2.1 g
(per 100 g edible portion)
Dried buckwheat noodles (dry form, raw)
0.4 g
(per 20 g edible portion)
Macaroni and Spaghetti (dry form, raw)
1.3 g
(per 70 g edible portion)
White table bread