Dietary fibers (Insoluble) Content of Seasonings and Spices
(31 - 40)
(per 30 g edible portion)
Common salt, Shokuen
(per 18 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (shiro-shoyu)
(per 18 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (saishikomi-shoyu)
(per 15 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (tamari-shoyu)
(per 18 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (usukuchi-shoyu)
(per 18 g edible portion)
Shoyu, Soy sauce (koikuchi-shoyu)
0 g
(per 15 g edible portion)
Mayonnaise (whole egg type)
0 g
(per 13 g edible portion)
French dressing
0 g
(per 15 g edible portion)
Japanese style dressing
0 g
(per 6 g edible portion)
Oyster sauce extract